Contact Lens

Before and After colored contact lenses

Contact lenses are now available for people with astigmatism, high prescriptions, reading difficulties or even bifocal wearers. There have been many advances in contact lens technology and Shepard Eye Center is always at the leading edge. We have several highly qualified, experienced optometrists to evaluate, design and fit the best contact lenses for your needs and lifestyle.

If you have been told that you can't wear contacts or have failed in the past, there have never been more options and a better time to try new contact lens technologies to meet your lifestyle demands. Some of the new developments in contact lens technology and options include contact lenses for:

  • Dry Eyes

  • Astigmatism

  • Bifocal or reading glasses wearers

  • Sports

  • Changing or enhancing your eye color

Because the number one reason for dropping out of contact lenses is difficulty inserting and removing your contact lenses, Shepard Eye Center has trained, friendly and patient contact lens instructors who will coach you in the best techniques of how to put your contacts in and safely remove them. They will also carefully review proper cleaning and storing your contact lenses to make sure your experience is as healthy and trouble-free as possible.

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