Cataract Evaluation Test

Cataract Candidacy Test

1. Are you having trouble with your vision?

2. Have you had any previous eye operations (Refractive surgery/LASIK, or lasers)?

3. Do you currently wear anything to correct your vision? check all that apply

4. Have you been told you have cataracts and require surgery?

5. Think about your vision when looking in the distance (driving, playing golf). How important is it for you to do these tasks without glasses after surgery?

6. Think about your near vision (reading, cell phone). How important is it for you to do these tasks without glasses after cataract surgery?

7. How important is clear night vision for you after cataract surgery?

8. Below are 4 zones of vision. Consider things in life you want to do without dependence on glasses, which group is most important to your lifestyle? Click here to check all

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